I have been meaning to present this new Raven Security Logo to my Tactical/Security Officer, Lt. Juan "Blindsword" Lopez. But real life events had prevented me from doing so. This logo is based on his specifications and des
Battlestar Raven would just like to wish Raven Member: Amanda Marron , A VERY BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY! From all of your fellow crewmates here on Battlestar Raven. Also, a BIG CONGRATULATIONS on passing your Viper Qualifications Test. OUTSTANDING JOB
Battlestar Raven would just like to wish Raven Member: Jason Lee Nedbalek, A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! From all of us here on Battlestar Raven. May you have a great one and many more to come.
Battlestar Raven would just like to wish the following Raven Members: Don Fallo and Jason "Achilles" McNeely, A VERY BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY. From all of your fellow crewmates aboard the Raven. May you have a great one and that the both of you have
Battlestar Raven would just like to wish her new Chief Engineering Officer Lt.Jg. Tom "Rascal" Burns, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. May you have a great one and many more to come. From all of us here aboard Battlestar Raven.
For the those Raven Members and Friends of Battlestar Raven that cannot make it to Galacticon 3, well here is a little something for you. Since you cannot come to Galacticon 3, we will bring Galacticon 3 to you via our live feed of th
Battlestar Raven would just like to wish Raven Member: Christopher Blackmon, A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. from all of your fellow crewmates here on Battlestar Raven. May you have a great one and many more to come.
For members and friends of Battlestar Raven-BFC 002that cannot make it to the event, we are taking steps to provide you with photos, videos, and live coverage of the biggest Battlestar Galactica Convention to date at the George R. Brow
I just wanted to quickly welcome all new Raven Members, to the Raven Family and Friends Circle. In just a short period of time, we have really grown in numbers and quality. One of our recent members is Phillip Cocking, from the United K
I would like to personally congratulate the following two individuals that became the latest TOP GUN members on Battlestar Raven. Both have achieved the TOP GUN status first time around.
I just wanted to share a message to all of you that I just got today. It is from the Time Warriors! The Time Warriors is a major blogging site based out of the United Kingdom. One of the main things they do at the Time Warriors is t
Here are the rules to the Raven Air Wing Challenge all of you in the Air Wing Department have been waiting for. The rules are very simple and as follows. Each S
We have been truely bless here on the Raven. I say this because it is with great pleasure to announce the establishment of the Raven's 1st Classic Series Viper Squadron headed by Rob "Spectre" Tipton calle
Just a quick note here to update everyone. The BFC site will be down for a short period of time tomorrow due to site network maintenance on Thursday, March 14th at 5PM. Please aware that during this time, the site will not be accessible