...the BSG DVD Boxed Set!  Kewl!

I have a question concerning my awesome gift, and I was made aware of your site, so I signed up!

My question is, do I just start with Season One, Episode One and go from there?  I seem to remember reading something about the order in which to view them to get the best experience.  Thanks!

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  • Oh! Copy. Okay, I'll head over to Amazon and check on the price/availability of the vids you mentioned.  Hopefully, I can swing it.  Thanks!

    But, back in the day, before SciFi Channel became 'SyFy', in its forum (long gone now), there was a posting, and I can't remember exactly, something about when to watch Razor... NOT to watch it in the order placed in the boxed set.  I dunno...  Something about, watch it before... you get to a certain point  in BSG... darn!  I just can't recall.  It was many moons ago.

    2504605369?profile=originalTHANKS IN ADVANCE!  Over and out. 

    Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson said:

    Good Stuff! Yes, I would  start from the beginning;However, if you were to get 'Caprica-the complete series',then ,'Blood and Chrome',you would be really starting from the start-in A historical sense.


  • Good Stuff! Yes, I would  start from the beginning;However, if you were to get 'Caprica-the complete series',then ,'Blood and Chrome',you would be really starting from the start-in A historical sense.


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