Okay, time for some useless trivia.  Just how survivable are the toasters?  For some strange reason, this morning I started wondering if a toaster would survive if you pushed it off your boat into the deepest ocean trenches…here on Earth, or on one of the 12 Colonies.  Obviously they would sink like a rock…Would they survive the water pressure, or would water rush in and short circuit them?  We know that the original toasters could wade in water, because they did so when they captured Starbuck.  I suspect the old models would be compromised because they have rubber like joints. The new models don’t seem to have any such weaknesses.  Would their visor screens withstand the pressure?  Would water enter the grate in front of their faces…Is this a breathing apparatus?  If so it would. If not????  What about the regular joints and other moving parts? Obviously humans and skin jobs would try to stay afloat for as long as possible, because the pressures and lack of oxygen would kill them horribly.  Also...What about EMP?  I'm assuming they would be protected from such an obvious sort of attack.  What about cyber attack-Could you hijack their signal and cause them to switch sides?


Just wondering from a tactical perspective, what others might think, especially the experts and creators.


Your input respected and appreciated.


So say we all-me, my self, and I.



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  • I just have this have this picture in my mind...There they are 1,000 feet below the surface, looking around in the dark depths, somewhat  bewildered, and then walking...for a REALLY LONG time until...What's that!? The creature from the black lagoon? No, it's cylons from the beach!  Just before they attack, they give a hang loose sign and possibly say..."By your command....duuuuuude!"

    Hmmm...Maybe they couls also be used as lewers for seamonster fishing...Just thinking.


  • Regardless Of How Durable Somthing May Be, There Is Always A Weakness Somewhere.

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