
Greetings to one and all. I only just joined up with the BFC a couple of days ago, and thought I would give a shout out to those out there and say "Hello"!

I've been a BSG fan for quite some time, and only recently stumbled across this site (also helped that I saw it advertised at a local convention not that long ago). I am definitely looking forward to participating on-site, and hopefully otherwise, in the near-future.

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  • A little late in the greeting, but thanks all the same. I am on the Raven I believe, playing deckhand in Engineering somewhere! 

  • Welcome aboard! Akways good to see new folks! Have you decided which ship to be a crew member of and/or Job aboard ship?  If not, I recommend signing up with the Raven and being a part of her Colonial Marine contingent. Not that I am partial or anything. Seriously, you can't go wrong with any of the crew's (cough Raven cough) or job (Marines rule, deckhands drool and pilots are tools....just kidding folks haha seriously....RCM Rock!!!!) 

    Cheers and Welcome!!!!

    So Say We All

  • Glad you found us! Like minded and passionate the Raven is!
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