This is further discussion of “OUR PLAN” for preserving the human race and colonizing the galaxy.  Our Battlestars come in three general forms.  Each has an initial mass produced core consisting of the main pulsar cannon gun, three main engines similar to those of an Imperial Star Destroyer, and a line of large fusion reactors.  The primary Battlestar design adds on an outer hull of top and bottom docking bays with 100 launch tubes on each side, allowing for rapid launch of fighter craft, using mag-lev train type catapults.  This allows quick and controllable deployment of forces.  Fighters can be equipped with wing mounted pods (two each) consisting of 19 fire and forget missiles to destroy waves of enemy fighters before getting into a serious dogfight (after launch they are ejected), OR nukes for enemy ships of the line.  The bottom docking bay also is used to offload ground forces and equipment. They also have two warp drive engines. Each also has 7 large anti-ship canons mounted with 5 on the nose and two on the warp drive wings for dogfights with enemy ships of the line.  Secondary attack turnable canons are placed in staggered formation along the sides of the main structure, such that all all 20 can aim forward, and broadsides consist of ten, with five each along the top and bottom sides of the craft.  CIWS’s (Close In Weapon Systems) consist of similar massive batteries similar to those in the re-imagined version as well as rapid fire highly accurate versions similar to a Phalanx of present day, only using the directed energy weaponry available.  Docking bays close with hydraulically operated blast doors rather than moving the entire docking bays.  Four landing gear as well as anti-gravity repulsers are located on the bottom for landing operations.  A second version has the same armaments, with the 20 turnable canons mounted along the sides, resembling an Imperial Star Destroyer.  They have no warp drive engines.  A third version also resembles this, but has the entire V shaped body mounted on the bottom thus allowing for much larger cargos of ground assault offloading.  The Pulsar Cannon Defensive Weapons mentioned for the mobile star bases are propelled with anti-gravity repulsors, primarily, with back-ups, and can be landed on planet surfaces to assist in securing the surface.  They somewhat resemble a giant tank, in that their main gun is located on the top and can be turned 360 degrees and directly upward.  Several versions exist. There are also large floating versions resembling Battlestars that also have bays/docks for aircraft carrier size craft which have two hulls and ten large turnable canons on them-five on each size.  They are placed in fleets around the main floating Battlestars to offer fighter craft secondary landing locations and secure the oceans.  The larger ground based MPFV’s (Multipurpose Fighting Vehicles) designed to take out Imperial Walker sized targets have one main gun on top with a secondary rapid rate of fire cannon beside it that can turn 360 degrees, as well as a secondary main gun mounted on the front like a tank destroyer, and ten secondary cannons on the sides like the Battlestars.  The smaller tank sized MPFV has a top gun with secondary rapid fire cannon as well as a front mounted cannon, also like a tank destroyer.  Both versions can off load troops and equipment from the rear like an APD/IFV.  The basic top shell is interchangeable with both, but has three plug-in versions on tracks for propulsion.  The best is a floating repulsor plate on the bottom with side mounted thrusters, acting like the skid tracks of a tank.  The next best is tracked like a tank with interlocking wheels, driven by electric motors.  The third version has 8 wheels, solid, flame resistant, and low maintenance.  Each bottom section is self powered, so they are quickly interchangeable, depending on the mission requirements.   

Initial attacks on enemy planets consist of FTL astroids as well as strategica sergical attacks on fault lines and super volcanoes to soften the enemy up enough to destroy their population centers and then secure the planet with surface assault. 

Any useful suggestions would be greatly appreciated before we launch our assault.


So say we all.


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