Well, Fayettevile Comic Con is now History...For Now.
The Current Producers have Decided That this would be the Last Full Fledged Comic Con in Fayetteville NC; According To Them, Next Spring They will try A One Day 'Fan Fest' Here; And If it Works out, They will do it again in The Fall; So, Lords of Kobol Willing, Geeks like Myself will still have A Home Base to Reach out to The Fans.
In The Meantime, Gunstar Trireme will still Represent the BFC in the Sandhills Any Way it can.
As Usual, We had A Desent Turnout; We had The Power Rangers back in Town,Along with The Cast from 'Degrassi the Next Generation' On Hand, and Voice Actors representing Various Anime Shows and Productions
And Plenty of Vendors selling Geek Wares
And, Don't forget 'Next Level Wrestling' Putting on A Show for FCC Fans
Plenty of Space to 'Wander My Friends'
Collecables, Toys, And Yes, Comics were Plentiful
However, The Real Highlights were When Fans Saw The Trireme's Display, Especially The Two Warstars from My 5th Fleet, And Say:
'OMG, That is So Cool!'
'How Long did it take You to Build Those?'
'Wow,Battlestar Galactica,I watched That Show!'I had Lengthy Conversations With A Few Real BSG Fans whith whom We discussed Both Old and New Series,And The Possible Future of BSG; Passed out Cards and Flyers and Invited Them to Check Us out; Hopefully, We will have some New Members Here in the Coming Weeks.
Ironically, They put The Trireme in The Very Same Spot It Occupied the First Time back in 2016.
Once Again, The Future of Cons in Fayetteville is Unknown right now; However The Trireme will be Ready to Answer the Call if somebody decides to take up the Torch.
RADM Keith 'Leonidas' Ranson
Commanding, GSR-0201
Well done Keith! Thank you for representing. I hope you guys get more cons there. It is kinda that it was Fayetteville last con. I have enjoyed watching the photos you share from there.
BFC President
I hope so too,Madam President; Hopefully it will continue in one form or another,Lords of Kobol willing.