fan films

I've started to work on a fan film. It will be set during the Cylon attacks on the colonies. It will revolve around a group of reserve soilders .While participating in survival training the cylon attacks occur. Being part time soilders they are not prepared for the reailty of war. The cylons attack their camp while they are out training. With most of the squad killed a handful of survivors struggle in a fight for their lives. Lightly armed and with minimal training thay overcome their fear to take the fight to the enemy the best they can. As the reality of what has happend they reflect on what they have lost. Their friends and family.  I have alot of work to do on this but I have some good ideas on how I want this to go. These men and women will give the ultimate sacrifice to save others. As unlikley heros they will overcome their fears and self doubts to accomplish things they could have never dreamed they could have done. Ordinary people doing extrodinary things. The defintion of a hero.

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  • I like the concept.

    • Thanks.I still have a long ways to go.


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