Dog tags

As requested by buzzsaw, here is the link for the personalised dog tags

1/8" or 1/16"are available, I'm told 1/8 are screen accurate.  They can be cosplay character, personalised for yourself and also the option of Top Gun style - with your pilot call sign on the reverse. Also a range of other BSG stuff available on the site. Mine cost £40 including shipping to UK, so good value, I'm really pleased with them.


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  • Do you mean Ronnie Beaton?

  • I think Chief Beaton posted a link to this site before. He purchased some items for his uniform or maybe it was Dog Tags. Either way Galron has some nice BSG items.

  • Thanks for sharing Debbie! They look GREAT! So say we ALL!


    John David Feagin

    AKA Buzzsaw

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