
  From Part 2 Caprica pilot episode.. is this the CMC dress uniform?  There's another fella in the scene wearing a 'business suit cut' uniform in an olive or Khaki wool.  I would say the later is the ground forces and this is the CMC dress tunic.

  The trousers appear to be from the dress greys.  Curious to know your opinion as this would not be hard to put together....I believe the piping color would be the only point of contention - Officer vs. Enlisted, that is...

Stay Frosty,


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  • Driver - not optimistic about getting in contact with Ms Campbell.  I've contacted here thru her Linkedin profile but there hasn't been much activity on her page in quite a while.  I am looking to reach out to other ppl who worked costumes for the series, but as you can imagine, finding contact information is difficult.  Otherwise, they would have a million emails to sort thru.

    On a positive note, we have Admirial Rivera's attention :)  I would really like to see a duty blues style uniform (in CMC black) be accepted as a uniform for the Marines.  The dress uniform would be something that may come to fruition over time as it develops.  But, out of the gates, I think we can have a CMC black duty uniform that's fitting of the organization and BSG itself.

    Stay Frosty!


  • Greetings,

                     Yep i have that uniform in my hide out area.  Gotta love collecting.  Every CMC Marine I have met at numerous CONs all wear the black on black if you will.  They look sharp and let’s just say they are in character when on duty at the CONs.  As for the Nehru jacket and trousers in my eyes are the equivalent Fleet dress grays.  The suggestion of adding the blood stripe along trouser seam is solid and i buy off on that.  The blood strip is always distinct and easily associated with United States Marine Corp, "Semper Fi"   I say lets get it done and rock them proudly.  I would like to see one made so i can check it out and see if there is any adjustment or tweaking needed if any who knows right.


             If one is made let me know so we can get together and i will give it an Official Endorsement at least members here in the BFC Marines can wear if they choose too.  Providing they have the funds to get materials together to make it or have it made.  As for introducing CMC Uniform at Sci Fi Convention i am all for it.  I know it will be accepted and if there are a few, Naysayers, so be it haters come in all sizes.   As for my Colonial Marines in the Fleet let me know what you guys and gals come up with and go from there. 

             I am the Fleet Admiral here in BFC, but i also serve as the Fleet Operations Officer for the Colonial Defense Forces and have contact with the Colonial Marines alot.  Various members here are also have membership with over a dozen or more BSG Communities throughout the web.  We also have Colonial Cylon Alliance.  They are not just Cylons there, but a little bit of everything.  Lots of fellow Battlestar Galactica Fans out there.  Thank you excellent discussion folks.  Carry on ~Salutes~

  • Hello, 

           I looked and verified the colors which are correct again sometimes lighting can make look a different shade.  As for making a CMC one standardized uniform through a fan club community.  It would be simple with some various reason 3 come to mind right off the bat.  First, People are people and they will want to things their way as they envisioned it.  Second,  Fan always like to picture themselves in different eras of BSG b/c it gives them flexibility and lets the imagination run wild.  Finally everyone is out to have fun and will dress accordingly with either a Vintage, Re-Imagine, Caprica of various style of a CMC uniform.  Good discussion it always easier when things are "Canon" on a show and easily established.  However for the record no one is wrong here. I love the idea something i will be shaking up Colonial Marines with in the days to come.

    Driver Olds said:

    I've been doing some research on the very same topic...  It seems the tunic blouse is black in color not blue.  That is based on viewing several pictures / stills from BSG and Capricia.  In the first few episodes of BSG there are several background characters in a similar side breasted dress uniform which is clearly darker than the dress grays.  So again we have to question which style would be "CMC" as opposed to an early uniform or a "Caprician" only uniform.

    There is a fellow who did a really nice take on the CMC dress uniform using a Naru style jacket he modified.  I've been thinking about going this route myself and adding the "BSG" buttons and the larger cuffs.  I hadn't given a thought to the trim piping... Hmmm

    It would interesting to attempt to standardize a CMC dress uniform within the fan based community.  It would make life so much easier and fun!

  • Hi all,   Very true there are some conflicts and one can argue a line of reason for yes and no when it comes to the era.  What would have been grand is if they came up with all new uniforms vice mashing ones from a previous show with a new show.  At least if they made news one their would be no conflict and a TRUE time line is established.  However the uniform looks good.

    Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson said:

    Hm, That's Kinda Hard To Say; However, keep in mind that the style might have changed from the pre- First Cylon war era, to time of the Destruction of The Colonies; I remember seeing some Uniform Charts On Google Images, Including one About Colonial Marine Unis.

  • I copy that Tusker!

    I am currently CMC OIC on a Battlestar with another site... So you have one crossover already.

    If there is a response from Glenne Campbell that would make all the difference in getting across the board approval from the various fan base.  It's worth the effort to network along those lines.  I personally believe we should all work together to build a strong community, we are all brothers and sisters in arms so to speak.

    Please send me an email directly, I too would be willing to pose the same questions to Mr. Campbell... Perhaps more than one request would be a good flanking maneuver to get a positive reply.

    Best always,


    Tusker, I also found an interesting "duty shirt" which is not directly cannon, but it has a unique look to it that would make it a nice choice for a secondary blouse over the BSG modified BDU's.

    It is made by "Under Armour" called the "TAC DUTY SHIRT" available in black and OD green.  If you google "under armour TAC Duty Shirt" you can see what it looks like.


  • Driver..I know the uniform you speak of as it was posted on scifihero.  In that discussion it was suggested that a 'duty' uniform similar to the Fleet blues be worn for the Marines.  Of course, the uniform would be black and all corresponding accouterments black as well.  The fancier Nehru jacket and trousers were suggested to be the equivalent of the Fleet dress grays, with the addition of a blood stripe along the outside trouser seam ( a la USMC).

    Since canon reference is virtually nonexistent you are right.. standardization across the fan community would be the best way to introduce the uniform and receive approval.

    I am also attempting to contact Glenne Campbell, the costume designer for Caprica and BSG, to see if there was any discussion on a Marine duty and dress uniform.  I honestly do not expect a response but crossing my fingers.

    Last point - do we have liaisons between the BFC and other BSG organizations?? 

    Stay frosty,


  • I've been doing some research on the very same topic...  It seems the tunic blouse is black in color not blue.  That is based on viewing several pictures / stills from BSG and Capricia.  In the first few episodes of BSG there are several background characters in a similar side breasted dress uniform which is clearly darker than the dress grays.  So again we have to question which style would be "CMC" as opposed to an early uniform or a "Caprician" only uniform.

    There is a fellow who did a really nice take on the CMC dress uniform using a Naru style jacket he modified.  I've been thinking about going this route myself and adding the "BSG" buttons and the larger cuffs.  I hadn't given a thought to the trim piping... Hmmm

    It would interesting to attempt to standardize a CMC dress uniform within the fan based community.  It would make life so much easier and fun!

  • Hm, That's Kinda Hard To Say; However, keep in mind that the style might have changed from the pre- First Cylon war era, to time of the Destruction of The Colonies; I remember seeing some Uniform Charts On Google Images, Including one About Colonial Marine Unis.

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