We can get the old style Blaster.  We also can make the holster to go with it.  I can also check with our prop-maker to see if he can get the new style...  not sure if he can get it yet or not.

Please let us know if you are interested.

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  • Admiral,

    I am a 'returning' member of the BSG Raven crew..Spartan Squadron, to be exact.  I am also a BSG Classic fan and I ran across this discussion.  I recall reading about Richards response, when someone asked him how they came up w/ the blaster idea.  He had said that they had simply used a water hose head, for the main portion of the blaster.  Now, this may pose a problem, but, maybe not a big one.  the big box stores carry lawn products and stuff and if a few 'hose-heads could be selected, maybe a portion of this design could be achieved??  Similar problems were faced by those that started Star Trek fandom, and we could be just as creative!!

  • Is this thread still active or is the project dead b/c lack of interest.  Sounds like a good invest for anyone wanting to finish their uniforms and such.  I know many have a budget to deal with so price is always an issues. Let me know be safe.

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