Charity Help Toy/Food Drive...

Members of the Colonial Defense Forces/Battlestar Fan Club/Colonial-Cylon Alliance,

This is the Executive Officer the Battlestar Prometheus, 3rd Fleet Communications Officer, Commander Allen Hohensee speaking, and although I know that Christmas is just next month, I would like to ask each of you a member of CDF/BFC/CCA, including all chapters around the area that read this post. Donate a toy for the kids this year as we all struggle with every day life problems, with paying bills and keeping a roof over our heads. Some kids are not that lucky and having a new toy in their hands is just that one additional step to the road of happiness this holiday season.

Take a picture of you giving a toy, or a bag of toys to the local fire station, police officer or US Marine Corps Toy Drive and send it to me at and I will be sure to mark that as your effort to helping a great cause, Food to your local food banks for those whom need a great Thanks Giving or even helping someone you know would help just as much. Show the spirit of giving and help. I would be greatly appreciative and the crew/family/friends of the BSG Fandom and belief would be appreciated as well.

In the words of a Great Admiral Adama, "So Say We All!"

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  • So say we all Commander!...

    I urge all members to support this & any and all efforts around the world to help bring kindness & hope to people.

    It is our duty to take care of our fellow human beings no matter where they may be.

    Remember not only the children that go to bed hungry every night in the United States but to conflict strewn places like Libya & Darfur.

    Any time you can give just a little you make humanity better for it.

    So say we all!

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