Good morning and Happy New Year everyone! I hope this New Year brings happiness and prosperity to all! I took down our Christmas tree earlier this evening which had been blocking my access to my laptop desk since it had been put up. Last year, the tree remained up until February...had to nip that in the bud for this year! It also wasn't easy doing club work solely on the phone. Some things you just gotta be behind the keyboard for!

     As most of you know, I was named CAG of the Raven Air Wing earlier today. As far as the club goes, this was the best way possible to start the New Year for me! I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone, first for their congratulations after the announcement. Also to Command for their faith in me that I could handle the position. As well to two club members who have been unofficial mentors since the time I joined, Paul "Iceworm" Oakley and Roger "Reamer" Barstow. Your advice and counsel have been invaluable to me in my time in the club, especially as squadron commander. Thank you both!

     It is time to start getting some work done, as I am seeing quickly that with greater position of authority comes an equal amount of work. I am up to the task and I hope everyone will work together to have a great time! Thank you all and have a great day!

     Oh, and I forgot to mention...Freya is planning an upcoming OP. Going to take a look at the preliminary draft shortly and more information to come soon!

Lt. Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock

Seekers Squadron Commander

Commander Air Group

Raven Air Wing


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  • Well chosen, well earned. Congratulations CAG (Salutes).

  • Sir,

    I believe I can safely say on behalf of all the Viper squadrons,  we are all right behind you CAG!

    So say we all!

    Aeneas, Perseus Sqdn

  • I believe you will do Fine mik mo! If you've played checkers or chess,you already have A grip on strategy;And strategy is what A CAG must master; He must be aware of the assets A air wing has, and how to employ them to maximum use to crush the enemy! And he has the best back-up,The Raven herself!


  • The Seekers are always prepared Sir!

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