Just some final thoughts of mine on downloading and uploading human memories. Again, I welcome you to agree or disagree. A great danger I see in this is that our thoughts would become a part of the internet, or something like it…and eventually, though the initial benefits would be incredible, it has to go bad. I’m thinking of everybody’s minds being incorporated into a collective like the Borg…If there are backdoors to the programming, or if hackers get in and take control, EVERYBODY in the net would become techno-zombies, sleeper agents, or what ever. You would lose your individuality. Initially only the most powerful, elite, or well connected could use such technology, and as with politics, the most ruthless, corrupt, and evil would seek to control and dominate all others. This sort of thing is something that the worst, most wicked tyrants of history could only dream of having. Instead of freeing humanity, I personally believe it would enslave and damn humanity. At first it will be trendy, and a privilege, a status symbol, and an easy way to get ahead. No need to study, just get a download. Don’t fear death, just download your brain. Eventually, it could very easily devolve into a situation where any who do not comply within network, will have their self destruct programming activated, and they will die, OR they will be boxed like the Cylon skin jobs who fall out of favor. Any who refuse to become part of the network will be eliminated. Basically, comply or die! Oh…Pardon the pun here, but since the Caprican Centurion was originally a business venture…maybe that’s why they always say, “BUY YOUR COMMAND.” That means put a token in the machine, swipe your card, etc. to pay for my services. Okay that’s silly but it’s just something that came to mind. :o) Well, those are just some of my ideas about how things could easily go horribly wrong. On the other hand, like I’ve said in a previous posting, good, nurturing, caring people could have their personalities downloaded to care for the young, for orphans, for the elderly, for those with disabilities, etc. I personally would not like to see clones get such programs, because they would become second class citizens. Cyborgs or androids like the Terminator, may be acceptable, as would “robots” like Centurions. Then the question is just how would they be affected by all of this? What if they later desire to marry and have families, but are trapped in a clunker toaster body? At what point do they have “human” rights? At what point do humans become second class citizens if their creations are smarter and tougher than they are? Okay enough of my opinions…What are yours? :o) JDF

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