BFC Site Maintenance


Just a quick note here to update everyone.  The BFC site will be down for a short period of time tomorrow due to site network maintenance on Thursday, March 14th at 5PM.  Please aware that during this time, the site will not be accessible and will display a branded maintenance page.  But rest assured, it will be back up shortly after that.

Thank you all for your time and understanding.


Cherry "DragonLady"

Battlestar Fan Club Deputy Vice President

You need to be a member of The Battlestar Galactica Fanclub- The First, Original BSG Club to add comments!

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  • I want to thank everyone involved in the maintenance of the site it was seamless and didn't hamper anyone's time schedule. Good and thank you very much. Be safe.

  • Understood thank you for the heads i appreciate being informed don;t want to think the site was down for long period of time. Be safe.

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