Shipboard reporting periods:

            Shipboard communication is a vital reporting tool in both the Battlestar Fan Club and the Colonial Defense Forces.  As such all Battlestar Fan Club Chapter will submit monthly reports to Commander, BFC.  Whether you have something to report or not please submit.  This will also assist me in knowing if BFC Chapters are being active or not.  If reporting period is missed totaling three the Chapter in question will be remanded to a dry dock status.  Dry dock status break down which has three levels please pass this information to your ship Senior Staff.  Later on when I inform all Commanding Officer when to begin submitting monthly reports.  Everyone will commence using the CRF (Commanding Reporting Form).

The following listed below are different sections for dry dock they are (Dry Dock Initial),  (Dry Dock 30 Days),  (Dry Dock 60 Days)  for more details please read the "Ship Manning Level for disposition and Dry Dock Procedures."

It is the mission of every Commanding Officer to keep the Chapter (SHIP) clear of dry dock.  I am aware there will be problems in each chapter as well as disharmony or lack of cooperation.  However I am confident everyone will do their very best to be cooperative and fun well rounded individuals.  I will not decommission any Chapter unless I have no choice and have exhausted every option.  The shipboard reporting every month will be the standard on communications with Commander, BFC.  When implanted I will have a section which I will record all Chapters reporting in for each month.

Any questions can be forwarded to me via email at please allow 24 to 48 hours for a response. Thank you for your attention and cooperation in this matter.



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