BFC Fleet Command HQ



          BFC Fleet Command Staff Members: 

           Miguel Rivera- Secretary of Defense


      BFC Fleet Admiral: Admiral Miguel Rivera (NEW)

       Commander Cherry " DragonLady" 

       Commander Ryan Williams


      Admiral Beau Thacker



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  • Colonials,

                 Just a few words i actually don;t post here however that will change over the course of days to come.  First i want to wish everyone fun and enjoyment in everything you do. At work or at play everyone does have fun on different level depending on what your doing.  In addition lets not forget to many of whose parents are alive and well to wish our Moms a Happy and Glorious Mothers Day!  It doesn't make a difference if you are close by or miles away. Make sure you pick up the phone and let them know you are thinking about them.

                 Alright back in the realm of Sci Fi.  A few announcements will be release soon enough.  As some of you know i had lost a good friend who was involved in a car accident and passed away.  Immediate details will be kept quiet i only informed a few people.  To those who gave a moment of silence and distance thank you i appreciate it.  Dealing with death is never an easy thing as i am sure many may have to deal with that unpleasant experience.  Thank you.

                I want to encourage everyone to attend Galacticon 3 especially if you live in the Houston area.  If you have the budget and can afford to go even if its for one day do it. Take that moment moment and sieze it b/c you just never know and obviously bring a camera lost of cosplay and Battlestar Galactica Cast members will be in attendance.  So again i emphasize seizing the moment.  I am sure you will enjoy yourself and have memories which will be bring a smile to your face.  Be safe and get out there have fun and live it up!

  • Colonials,

                  I apologize for my absence, but i had broken my my rite hand thus i was incapable of posting much of anything.  However i am going through physical therapy for my hand in order to get full range of motion.  Things are coming along nicely not as fast as i like, but i can type which is a MUST for me.  During the course of today i will be posting all items i promised i would.  If you are looking for a particular subject be patient as it will be released in sections.  If there is an area nor covered let me know i may have it just not released yet. Thank you for your patience and support.

    ** T O P I C S **

    -Members pertaining to shipboard assignment and migrations.

    -Shipboard reporting periods.

    -Physical composition of the Battlestar Fan Club Fleet and other ships.

    -Ship Manning Level for disposition and Dry Dock Procedures.

    -Commissioning / Decommissioning of Shipboard Squadrons.

    -Formation of Colonial Civilian Ships.

    -Building and establishment of Shipboard Squadrons.

    -Colonial Marine assignment and Shipboard responsibilities.

    -Shipboard Senior Staff Officers mission and responsibilities.

    -Examinations, Grading and Certification.

    -Implementation of Shipboard Service Record to encompass Military Fleet.

    -Guidance on Logos, (Squadrons, Marines and Civilian).

    -Suggestion or Complaints Procedures.

    -Pilots, Call Sign, Tail Numbers and Small ship Assignment.

    -Military Commander, Air Group briefing and responsibilities.

    -Viper and Raptor Etc Qualification and Testing.

  • And oh before I forget, Congratulations to you as well Miguel. Where are my manners.  You and DragonLady here have always done great work together.  :-)  Good luck to the both of you. 


  • Congratulations to the new Madam Deputy Vice President of Battlestar Galactica Fan Club! And also, A BIG congratulations to you being the new Commanding Officer of the Raven. You deserve the command that was given to you because of all the hard word you do on the side for the Raven. You have earned that command in my humble opinion.  She will be in good hands as I have seen the kind of work you do when you were on the Aries and somewhere else. I will have to echo what your Chief Bartraw have to say here from the Raven group page.   NO ONE else could grace the big chair on the Raven than you as her new Commanding Officer for you are not afraid to get your hands dirty like the rest of the crew. You will bring her great HONOR ;-)

    Raven Marines are standing by for your orders Maam!! ;-) :-)


  • Very Impressive... I Know The Fleet Is In Good Hands. So Say We All! Good Hunting!
    John David Feagin
    Call Sign Scorpion
    Engineering Dept Battlestar Atlantia
  • First off, I personally wanted to welcome the new BFC Fleet Admiral, Admiral Miguel Rivera! Your work and leadership perceives your reputation.


    The Fleet is standing by to assist you in anyway to help oversee your plans towards the fleet growth. 



    I look forward to working with you again Miguel my friend!  And you know I do not call people my friend just like that. They have to earn it.  And you have.  Hopefully we can bring back the good old times when I was your CEO on the Aries.  Lots of fun and funny times.  Computer hard drives overloading on my end due too much information being downloaded to it for the Aries site, was one of them. Heheheheeh! :-) You getting disconnected all the time on yahoo while talking to me, was another one.  The role playing we all use to do on the Aries with the other chapters was a lot of fun.  Working me to death in engineering the other one.  AHEMMMMM!  Just kidding!! :-)   I can go on and on... :-) She has such a rich history that I can only hope to do the same thing and give the same care on the Raven. The Aries will always mean a lot to me no matter what ship I end up commanding.  I just thought I'd let you know that. She was my first creation.  That is why  :-)

    Take care!!!!!!!!!!!



  • Greetings All,


                      I want to thank everyone for the dedication and performance to your duties. Everyone has done a great job please continue to do so. The following weeks i will be making announcements here and taking questions as they arise.  I have gone to great length to design and build a Fleet within the BFC. Of course with that being said your full cooperation as well as patience will be needed.  Nothing good ever happens over night with that being i have direction, task and mission requirements for fellow shipmates.  All in effort to get my plans and Fleet build/reconstruction underway.  I will be stopping by every few days to touch base and carry out my duties and responsibilities.  I will list more contact information about me at a later time. For now i thank you all and i wish everyone a great day!  ~Salutes~

  • Roger that!  I have been doing a things for the BFC Fleet on the side and will be revealed when the time comes.   :-)  I will await for your email with the roster.
  • I did send it, but will re send on your email address.. I talk to Miguel and October will be an offical start date for the BFC Fleet.
  • LOL, that is quite alright!   Heheheheh!  Beau, I never got the roster list.  I know you have been very busy so I figured you just forgot to send it.  I will be waiting for it though..I am working on things for the Tiger Claw :-)

    Beau T Thacker said:
    Sorry, didn't mean any harm , it's just been awhile since last time we talked LOL... Well I'm glad you are on the Claw, Have you been able to update that roster I sent to you? I need it back so I can send to Miguel with the Titans. Thank Beau
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