Recruitment for Colonial Marines starts here.......Please see BFC Fleet Admiral Thacker for requirements!
Recruitment for Colonial Marines starts here.......Please see BFC Fleet Admiral Thacker for requirements!
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Battlestar Raven is NOW RECRUITING for THE FEW, THE PROUD, COLONIAL MARINES!!! I expect nothing less than te best of the best in our recruits. If you think you have what it takes to be THE FEW, THE PROUD, then by all means, please contact the new Raven Commander.
Just an FYI please, you cannot be part of another Battlestar from what I was told. Other than that, join us and help the Raven represent BFC to the best she can as the Flagship Chapter.
My personal saying on all this: OOH-RAH!
Dave Allen said:
Greetings. Dave
Glad your willing to join the Marines. We have a Marine unit onboard the Tigerclaw and could use some good Marines. Also if you are interested in forming your own unit, let me know. Thank you Beau
F.A.O: DragonLady4732,
Thankyou for your response to my note, I understand the real life obligations and will wait for your answer.
Pardon me for the delayed in response. I was alerted to your posting but was unable to immediately respond as I was busy with my real life obligations. I am known as DragonLady and I am a member of the BFC Fleet Command Staff and the Executive Officer of Battlestar Tiger Claw. I had send an email to Admiral Thacker about your desire to offer your services to the Colonial Marines. And most definitely your experience as a Marine Commander aboard another battlestar will be valueable. Hopefully, I get a response here soon enough from Admiral Thacker as he too is busy with his real life obligations. I will keep in touch with you on things if Admiral Thacker has not already gotten hold of you.
F.A.O: Fleet Admiral Thacker.
Having just joined the lasf few survivors here, I would like to offer my services to the Colonial Marines, on my last ship I was the Marine Commander with the rank of Captain. I offer my services to which ever ship you feel requires them.
Kind Regards.
Dave Allen.