Good Evening Colonials,

After months of being delayed because of real life events happening, it is with great pleasure that I share with all of you that BFC Flagship Chapter Battlestar Raven's website is finally ONLINE!! New site contents are being added on a constant basis as any website it is never truely finish because new contents are always available to be added. Also website looks are and can and will change as time pass by. All departments on the ship that are officially online are mark with the green "ONLINE" status. Each deparment coming online will be mark the same way with a link provided to it.

So without further ado, may I present Battlestar Raven's Official Website:

She is still very young but determine to cement her own legacy as did her predecessor Battlestar Aries and Battlestar Pegasus. And I know with the help, loyalty, and hard work of her current crew members, she will reach her full potencial and will always lead from the front by example. Please do not hesitate to come and visit the Raven's website.  Also, the Raven's unique website header background is of the Mercury Class Battlestar Pegasus.

Have a great evening everyone!!!!!!!!!


Cherry- "DragonLady"


Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven


Raven's Official Website Header

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