
If you desire to be one the best viper pilot out there, then join the elite strikegroup of Battlestar Raven, the "Spartans".  If interested in joining, please contact Battlestar Raven CAG Captain Keith "Leonidas" Ranson.  The Raven will have more squadrons as we go along.





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  • First,I Would Like To Thank Battlestar Raven's Most Outstanding CO,Dragonlady;She Has Given Us This Ball, And I Will See That We Not Only Run With It,We Will WIN! SO SAY WE ALL!!

    Next, As She Mentioned,There Will Be MORE Squadrons To Be Formed And Activated For The Raven. Before I Am Done, The Raven Will Have the Finest Air Wing In The Fleet.SO SAY WE ALL!!

    Finally,I Will Not Only Serve,I Intend To Have Fun In The Process. That Should Be the Goal For Everyone.

                               SPARTANS! PREPARE FOR GLORY! SO SAY WE ALL!!


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