

It is with great pleasure that I announce the following promotions :


Al Bartraw to the rank of Colonel :

Diego Martin to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade:

Keith Ranson to the rank of Major:

Eduardo “Marine Enforcer” to the rank of Major:

Roger Barstow to the rank of Lieutenant:

Ronald Beaton to the rank of Chief Petty Officer:

Steve Tweed to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade:

Steve Sardeson to the rank of Master Sergeant:

Tom Burns to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade:


It is also with great pleasure that I announce the selections of the following individuals to the following Command Staff Positions after :

Steve Tweed- New Operations Officer (3rd in Command )

Tom Burns-New Chief Engineering Officer:  ( 4th in Command)

Their selection comes with all the priviledges that comes with their rank and position.  The positions that these individuals are in is more important than their rank.   So please show them all the courtesy and respect that comes with the positions that they are selected in.

Also as a note, those Ravens that are not part of this promotion list, this does NOT mean you do not deserve to be promoted.  It is just you do not have the time in grade just yet.  That is all!  Hopefully the next time around, there will be more of you on the list to be promoted.  I will make sure you get what you deserve and have earned.  So keep the faith and keep kicking ass and taking names later.

As a special note to the following individuals promotion,  “Marine Enforcer”.  Although his actions are not always noticable publicly, his actions behind the scenes, have been a great help to me executing my job as Raven Actual.  Without his support, I would not be able to do my job as the Commanding Officer of Battlestar Raven.   He is not as verse as a lot of us when it comes to science  fandom.  But he is learning.


SO SAY WE ALL!!!!!!!



Raven Actual

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    FROM: ADM Rivera, Fleet Commander, BFC

    To:        Battlestar Raven Personnel


    1.  First I want to say congratulations to everyone that has been promoted.  Well deserved indeed for your dedication not to just Battlestar Galactica Communities, but to your chapter the Battlestar Raven.  As you know and are aware promotions is never about rank. It is about the work and dedication you put into helping making your chapter the best it can be.  As with all chapters in the communities there will be time that things slow down or just die off.  In that moment it is US the fans who are part of the chapter which must keep it going regardless of the level of inactivity.  I say this because it does happen from time to time.  As Officers and Enlisted members it is your duty to ensure this does not happen don't just let die and you go onto something else.

    2.  As several of you have been appointed to staff positions.  Your job and duties are just as important as anyone else’s.  You have a function, a job and not just a title to wear.  I expect you all to act accordingly and uphold your duties.  If you can not your promotion can just as easily be reduced and someone else can be given the opportunity.  I know you will all do well without a doubt and in time.

    3.  In closing I want to say I am very proud of all of you.  We all share a love for Battlestar Galactica and more so b/c we also share dual or triple citizenship.  Meaning many of us are not just members of the Battlestar Fan Club, but we also members of the Colonial Defense Forces as well as Colonial Cylon Alliance.  Many of you I know and have worked with for years now.  Although some may float around I always keep track of the Colonial Officers and Enlisted personnel because it is my job, my duty and what is expected of me.  I wish you all the best and I am diligently working the SOP for the Promotions.  It will make everyone aware of my expectations of you, goals, and mission.  You deserve the best and that is exactly what I am here for.  SO SAY WE ALL!  ~Salutes~



  • Congratulations to all those selected for promotion! Well earned and deserved. So Say We All!
  •  (Salutes)........Congratulations to all crew members of the Battlestar Raven that have just been promoted........(Salutes)....

    Now lets go and kick some "CHROME BUTT"! ! ! ! ! !

    SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !

    Lt Roger "Reamer" Barstow

    Flying Tiger's Squadron Leader

    Battlestar Raven BFC-002

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