To All Colonials and Ravens,

As I get back into the swing of things from my R & R, December is the month where I wanted to recognize the following Ravens on this promotion cycle, for their loyal and continued service to the Raven especially while I was on my R & R.  It really does help having quality members because it makes it easier for a Commander to take a break and do the things one needs from time to time in real life with ones family and love ones.  I believe in having quality members rather than quantity.  A chapter may have so many members but if only a few are active, I rather have lesser members than just bodies.  And this month promotion list are some of those members that have really proven themselves they are just not here for the ficticious rank or position they are given and assigned to but rather they are here for the fun, friendship and comraderie the Raven gives them as members.  There is an old saying that what you put into your membership is what you get out of it. I took into consideration the following things:

1.  Time in service

2.  The amount of participation  (whether it be on the Raven media outlets such as FB, Twitter or the BFC website)

3.  Loyalty to ones group

4.  The effort one puts into the group no matter how little they can put in ( I don't ask anyone to do what they do 24/7.  Remember, real life comes first and we ALL do this for fun only in the spirit of BSG)

So without further ado, please JOIN ME in congratulating these individuals for their loyal and continued service. The promotion is effective immediately.   I look forward to announcing the list of names again on the next promotion cycle. 

To the following Ravens on the this promotion list, A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to all of you from yours truely, your Commander.  And thank you for everything!  I already have the bartender on the ship lounge bring out the finest ambrosia there is aboard the Raven for all of you.  

But I better not see anyone of you come close to the lounge until you are ALL OFF DUTY.  No drinking on the job!  I hope I made myself clear.  I will also bring some of my very own homemade "HOOCH".  It is something I have learned to make while spending those times down in Engineering as  CEO of Battlestar Aries.  ;-)  :-)   I had to keep myself occupied whenever I was off duty while Admiral Rivera sits on his comfortable office and I am sweating down in Engineering when I was on the Aries ;-) 



~Raven Actual

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  • FYI Admiral Rivera,  Raven Actual normally post in two places.  One in the forum which you responded on and did not see anyone and one as a blog where most of us responded at:

    And thank you for the congratulations!

    Lance Corporal Rob Hillman

    -Raven Marine

    Admiral Miguel Rivera said:

    Wow 25 view and not a single posting MMMmm.

    Greetings All,

                  First let me be the first to congratulate all the personnel whom have been recognize and promoted aboard the Battlestar raven.  Congratulations well deserved indeed to you all.  Please your work and supporting of all things Battlestar Galactica and your ship which you all serve on.  Be safe and take care... ~Salutes~ 

  • Wow 25 view and not a single posting MMMmm.

    Greetings All,

                  First let me be the first to congratulate all the personnel whom have been recognize and promoted aboard the Battlestar raven.  Congratulations well deserved indeed to you all.  Please continue your work and supporting of all things Battlestar Galactica and your ship which you all serve on.  Be safe and take care... ~Salutes~ 

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