We're in the search for a couple of these.  Have seen a few on ebay, and know of the one guy that sells them straight out, but he's a bit elusive on the contact information.  Does anyone know of any other source that is reasonably priced, since we are needing to get 2.  Don't want to buy the signed EFX ones, as we plan to wear them at Con, and wouldn't want to damage or scratch that type of piece.


Any help is greatly appreciated!



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  • Hello, I saw EFX collectibles has a few left. Email

    bryan@efxcollectibles.com. I hope this will help You.
  • The Viper Helmet is always a tough when they can be found on Ebay now and then.  However not impossible a factor is always how much a member is willing to spend.  I will post a link if i find one which is available and affordable.

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