From: ADM Rivera, Fleet Commander, BFC

To:     CDR Daniel Allen, Battlestar Atlantia




1-  Attention to all hands serving in the Battlestar Fan Club Fleet.  Effective immediately I hereby remove Admiral Thacker from the role of Commanding Officer of the Battlestar Atlantia.  For reason which will remain private and in order to preserve the integrity of the Colonial Fleet.  Command of the Battlestar Atlantia will revert back to it original commander prior to Admiral Thacker being assigned its new commander.

2-  Commander Daniel Allen is hereby assigned as the Commanding Officer of the Battlestar Atlantis.  Serving the Battlestar Fan Club Fleet and patrolling space again Cylon Forces.  Commander Allen you will receive an informative email on guidelines, standard operating procedures, etc.  Responsibility of shipboard operations all fall under your jurisdiction as Commanding Officer.

3- Assemble your Senior / Command Staff as you see fit.  Once completed please inform of completion via sub-space communiqué.  Furthermore please bring your crew up to speed on SOPs. I will also email you privately on a few other things as well.

4- Commander Allen congratulations on your appointment as Commanding Officer of the Battlestar Atlantia!  I am sure your fellow Officers and Crew will do their very best to defend the Colonies and their best interest.  The change of command has concluded all hands are dismissed   ~Salutes~.



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  • Commander,

    Understood as wtih any new change in leadership there always challenges some small others big in nature.  However, it is up to and your crew to resolve problems in order to raise the Atlantia to new heights.  I am sure you and your crew will gain momentum and continue moving forward.  I am here to help everyone and provide guidance where needed.  Good Hunting Commander!  ~Salutes~

    Daniel Allan said:

    Thank you Admiral Rivera,

    It is with great pleasure, and it is my great honor to assume the Command of Atlantia.

    The road ahead will be difficult for Atlantia's Crew, but it will be rewarding. you will find I am a hard man but I am a fair Man

    I do not expect anything of my crew that I have not already done or would do,

    Thank You

    Atlantia Actual OUT

    Daniel Allan

  • Congratulations Commander Allen. Let me know if there is anything that the Raven can assist you with!

    V/R Col. Bartraw

    BFC Raven XO

  • Sir,

                  When you are able and have things in good order please send me a crew roster.  I maintain a database for the Chapter crews thank you and have a safe voyage!  GET THOSE CYLONS!!

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