Attention All Viper and Raptor Pilots!

Be advised of possible navigational hazards, especially this evening and all of the 25th.

Several tragic incidents have already been reported. Links provided. 

Stay frosty and good hunting to all!

Have a Merry Christmas.

So say we ALL!

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  • Of the three images, I like the one of Santa on the nose of the jetliner the most. The song would say something like "Santa got T Boned by a Jet Plane this Christmas Eve, you can say there's no such thing as Santa, but as for Bla Bla Airlines they believe."

  • Great one CAG Sir!!!!LOL Buzzsaw is very lucky this year to say the least!!!!!

    Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson said:

    Just so you Know, Buzzsaw, Santa and His Convoy of Shuttles Made it Safely to the Raven, Escorted by SPARTAN SQUADRON.

    And, DRADIS did Not Detect the Presence of Coal, so that Must mean You're Safe! LOL!

  • Just so you Know, Buzzsaw, Santa and His Convoy of Shuttles Made it Safely to the Raven, Escorted by SPARTAN SQUADRON.

    And, DRADIS did Not Detect the Presence of Coal, so that Must mean You're Safe! LOL!

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