
  • This would not be The First Time, Might not Be the Last; Thanks for The Heads Up!

  • Hello there,

    I have to echo Admiral Rivera's question. Please give him a little bit more info regarding this spammer. We certainly don't want any spammer on the BFC website. 



    BFC President


  • Hello.  Please provide any revelant information.  The info will be used to find the person and remove them from the website.  Send info to me here via private message or go to Battlestar Fan Club FB page and send private message that way as well.

    Thank you,

    FADM Rivera, M.A.(CF)

    Commander Fleet, BFC

    • I do not understand why. I am very tech savvy. But I can not seam to be able to send a private message from here or another location.


      Can you try to PM me and I can reply?

    • I do not understand why. I am very tech savvy. But I can not seam to be able to send a private message from here or another location.


      Can you try to PM me and I can reply?

    • I do not understand why. I am very tech savvy. But I can not seam to be able to send a private message from here or another location.


      Can you try to PM me and I can reply?

    • I do not understand why. I am very tech savvy. But I can not seam to be able to send a private message from here or another location.


      Can you try to PM me and I can reply?

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