Wow! I see Tim James, Kim Steinmeh, Laura Vincent, and 23 others have joined the Battlestar Fan Club! Welcome to the fleet! So say we ALL!

If any of you would like to become more actively involved (which is more fun, and a great way to meet other people who share a common interest,) please consider visiting the following links:
Visit the Battlestar Atlantia here:
Visit Blue Squadron here:
Visit our Engineering Department and bone up on all things technical and tactical here:
To enlist with the Battlestar Atlantia or any other ships in the fleet, you can go to your home page and update it, and/or post a message for assistance. There are many positions available, depending on your interests.
You can make a real difference in the defense of humanity. The Battlestar Atlantia offers you the opportunity to truly be all that you can be among the few and the proud, the elite defenders of the fleet, the colonies, and the Counsel of 12. You are welcome among the crew of the Battlestar Atlantia.
So say we all!
John David Feagin
Engineering Dept of the Battlestar Atlantia

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