The holidays are usually a time for reflection on what we are thankful in our lives. I am no different, thankful of family, friends, and all. However, I wanted to take a moment to share how thankful I am for the BFC and the Raven family in particular.

     I have recently had health issues that have been a hamper to employment and I have been unable to work now for over a year. I am to the point where, with Dr's advice, I can try to go back to work, just something with a little less physical labor. Still finding a suitable job is a long process. All this time spent at home with little to do has sometimes driven me to the point of insanity. One of the things that has been a blessing has been the BFC. Just having something to do at times gives me a sense of normality again. I would also like to thank the members of the club, who have shown be friendship and respect ever since I are just a few of you I would like to thank:

    Dragonlady and Major Barstow for having the confidence in me to take the helm of The Seekers. Especially Major Barstow, who has been a guiding hand in my time as CO.

    Gunny Oakley, who is a veritable encyclopedia of BSG knowledge and SOPs.


     Wedge and Freya. If you want to have a successful squadron, you must have dedicated people. If you want to know the formula of The Seekers success, look no further than these two. When the Seekers shine, it's purely because of them.

     I know I may have forgotten a few and I am sorry. Just remember that I think of you all as friends and I am proud to be a member of the BFC and the Raven. Thank you all for becoming such a big part of my life!

Mik Mo

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  • Well said Mik Mo!!! I to have been where you are with the exception that I may never return to work. I found the BFC & CDF the same day while looking for Mk-II images to help out with building my 1st Mk-II. As you mentioned, it gave me something to do and it kept my mind off of the pain and feelings of uselessness.

    I to have met and made many new friends along the way most of which I would have never known. We may never meet in person and that's OK, but I consider everyone that is part of my Raven/BFC Family to be as close as my Family members and a few are even closer.

    It's been a pleasure to see the Seeker Squadron finally come to life. All it takes are a few motivated individuals to breath new life into groups aboard the Raven to keep us all moving forward.

    I wish Everyone at the BFC and especially the crew of the Raven a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous and Happy New Year!!!

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