A Happy Holiday Wish



Hello Everyone,


I just wanted to wish each and everyone of you, Happy Holidays!  Christmas is just two days away.  May the spirit of the Christmas season find its way to each and everyone of you.  But let us not forget those who may not be able to spend their Christmas holiday with their family and love ones:  My Brothers and Sisters at Arms, serving in the arm forces abroad.  May they be kept safe so that they may return home to their love ones.  Let us not also forget those victimize by that devastating storm that hit certain parts of the Philippines. Those people lost a lot: family members, relatives, belongings such as their houses etc... We are the fortunate ones.  But let us not forget the less fortunate all around the world! 


In honor of the true spirit of Christmas, here is a holiday quote I would like to share with everyone here:


"Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts" - Janice Maeditere






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  • Merry Christmas to you as well!

  • Merry Christmas.

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