• Adam "Heracles" Wakeling


  • 1:51 PM
  • Me

    Evening and afternoon for me

  • 1:53 PM
  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Evening sir

  • Me

    evening ready to out on patrol

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    You know it sir!

  • 1:56 PM
  • Me

    then lets head down to our ships and pre pare for flight by first completing the checklist.

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Yes sir

  • Me

    heading to viper on starboard side

  • 1:59 PM
  • Me

    beginning preflight list

  • 2:00 PM
  • Me

    external inspection and flight controls are okay

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling


  • Me

    tanks and canopy locks are okay

  • seat motors and weapons are safe

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Check and check

  • Me

    area clear and comms okay

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling


  • Me

    canopy and escape pod armed

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling


  • 2:04 PM
  • Me

    3 green light s on engines weapons armed master safety active

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Sir yes sir

  • Me

    heracles you got to do the final part of the checklist

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Aye sir

  • Me

    reed are you here with us

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Starting Launch tube check:

  • Area is clear

  • I think it's just you and I Lt

  • Me

    okay clear here

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Blast doors are open

  • Me

    doors open here

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Heads up display set to on and tax/navy set to active

  • Nav*

  • Me

    flaps are ready

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Engines to 85%

  • Me

    ops giving clear signal to launch

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Set master caution cold shot warning

  • Me

    check list complete ready to launch

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Sir, yes Sir

  • Vipers Launch

  • Me

    launch when ready

  • clearing launch tube

  • heading away from the raven

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    On your 8 sir standard formation

  • Me

    alright lets check dradis

  • 2:14 PM
  • Me

    dradis clear

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Aye sir, maybe it's a quiet run

  • Feels good to be out, Raven looks beautiful

  • Me

    maybe picking up an asteroin\d field want to go check it.

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Yes sir, let's check it

  • Me

    okay hit turbos

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Oooo rah

  • Me

    getting close to the field getting a little static now checking dradis

  • how is your dradis i am getting intermitten blips

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    A few blips, they're small but they're there. Astroid maybe? Shall we drop turbo and check it out

  • 2:20 PM
  • Me

    yep checking tac com getting ships now got a few raiders heading our way

  • got 5 raiders coming

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Let's make some scrap metal!

  • Me

    go to the left i will go right and lets take them.

  • got the radiers in sight

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Aye sir going in hot

  • Me

    they are classic raiders firing now

  • got one

  • going after another

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Evasive action, direct hit, one Down

  • Going for another

  • Me

    two down leaves one and its running

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Let's take it out before it can get back up

  • Me

    let it go and lets get out of here getting large blip on end of field maybe a basester

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Aye Sir let's report back and inform the Admiral

  • Me

    copy that lets head home now

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Heading home

  • Me

    we are clear to land in the starboard bay

  • i got the ball landing now

  • landing gear down locks secured

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Aye sir

  • 2:30 PM
  • Me

    heading to decon then going to file the report.

  • you did good Heracles

  • Adam "Heracles" Wakeling

    Thank you Sir, glad to have proven myself. First drinks on me after the report is filed

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