
Two new convention Banners will be making its debut next week that will be representing not only Battlestar Raven, but the mother club ,  Battlestar Galactica Fan Club. These two new convention banners of course will be accompanied by the Raven's original banner as well.  The two banners will also become what I call "the Traveling Banners".  It means, where the Raven is being represented by other members of Battlestar Raven other than myself, these banners will be there.  The original Raven banner if far too important and precious to be shipped around as it contains signatures from cast members of both the TOS BSG Series and RDM Series.  Those signatures were obtained by those Raven Members who were with me at Galacticon 3, as a gift to me which I dedicate to my whole Staff and Crew.  Without them, there is NO Raven.  I am approaching my second year as her Commanding Officer this coming August 1, 2014. And I will say this, it has been such an honor and such a pleasure so far, leading a group that is full of class act and talented members.  The Raven has truely indeed evolve!  And as I stated early this year, it will be THE YEAR OF THE RAVEN!

So Say We All!


BFC Vice President

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven-BFC 002

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