When my folks radio antenna got knocked down, I decide to weld it back into a 1/2 scale Viper. I added wings, landing gear, skin and engines from garbage picked scraps & free stuff from Craigslist. The canopy, wheels & cowlings were mostly made with new materials but worth it. It's big enough to get into (barely) and has a useable instrument panel. Sadly, no brakes or steering. Someday I hope to rebuild it as a trailer so I can take it to a convention.
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Very resourceful, and vey cool too!!!!
Cool!!! :-)
Very Nice! The Fact That You Included A 'Motion Sickness Bag' In The Cockpit Was Genius!
In progress:
Capt. Juan (blindsword) Lopez said:
: )
John David "Buzzsaw" Feagin said:
Very Creative Indeed. It looks great too. You've got a great start on a "drone" as well, if you can "wing it!" Good hunting Warrior! Looks great! So say we all!
Very Creative!