Come and join us for the 20th Anniversary Celebration of Battlestar Galactica at All-Con 2020 alongside the cast of the Original Series that will be in attendance.

1. Laurette Spang

2. Terry Carter

3. Herbert Jefferson Jr.

4.  Anne Lockhart

5.  Sarah Rush

6.  Jack Stauffer

It is very rare now days to have that much Classic Series cast and a momentous occasion, under one roof nd event.  

To JOIN US and to know more information about this event and to purchase your tickets, please check out:

We look forward to seeing as many of you there. You know as they say- "THE MORE THE MERRIER!"


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  • My Siress and I have already made our Reservations & Secured FULL Weekend Passes for this Grand Event. I am looking forward to Meeting Many Members of the Battlestar Raven Battlegroup there in Dallas... SSWA  :-)

  • I will be there

  • I am going to try my best to attend this Con!!Been years,wish me luck!!


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