Battlestar Galactica Series Finale Trailer
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You need to be a member of The Battlestar Galactica Fanclub LLC to add comments!
I've Heard Of 'Kickstarters' On The G4 Channel. A Neat Way To Fund Projects. But,Right Now,I Have other Things On My plate. Thanks Anyway,John!
This may be just what you are looking for when you finish your writing project. It could be a great way for you to get published or even make a short video. I was just checking out the blog by Mark Zicree on making a Space Command movie…They are using what is called “Kick Starter.” It looks like a GREAT way for us little folks to make big productions comparable to the highly funded groups. This would be GREAT for BSG fans who want to make movies, graphic novels, comics etc. Worth checking out if anybody wants to get started on their own projects or work together on something bigger.
It looks like they work on big and small projects and have lots of professional connections to really make what ever you do pretty good quality!
Here’s the general info if anybody is interested:
Good hunting! So say we all!
John David Feagin
Thanx!! The Klingon Ones I will Chaeck Out.
You should get a kick out of these sites. Admittedly, it’s Trekie stuff not BSG, but it’s the sort of thing you’d like.
Klingon Provergs: (Kapla!)
Feringi Rules Of Acquisition:
Romulan Philosophy:
Cardassian Philosophy:
Borg Philosophy:
Good Hunting! So say we all!
John David Feagin
Wow! If you pieced this thing together, I am TOTALLY IMPRESSED! I really wish I knew now to piece cool videos like that together. Very impressive. Totally Cool! So say we all! :o) JDF
The Closest To Valhalla Anyone's Gonna Get!