I wanted to welcome all of our new members. I apologize that I have not been able to welcome each of you individually. I have been busy with mundane responsibilities.
My Name is Freya, and I am the Deputy Vice President of the BFC, the Operations Officer aboard the Battlestar Raven, and the assistant squadron leader for the Battlestar Raven's only Raptor Squadron the Seekers.
Take the time to get to know the site. There are many things you can choose to do here at the BFC, from joining the Airwing as a pilot, joining the Colonial Marines, or even protecting your ship as a part of the security team just to name a few. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out.
Welcome aboard the BFC! So Say We All!!
Capt. Freya
Deputy Vice President-BFC
Operations Officer- Battlestar Raven
Assistant Squadron Leader- Seekers Squadron