A few thoughts and general guidelines for colonizing habitable planets:


Initially, the population will arrive and reside in star bases and floating base structures on the surface of the oceans.  Populations will want to move inland ASAP.  Cities are discouraged.   The population should initially be provided with comfortable modular earth homes built on rollers and springs in locations that are well above any possible flood zones, away from areas of frequent volcanism, and away from serious seismic zones.  This should protect the population from most natural disasters.  The population should also be dispersed throughout the planet, and leave as much of the planet as possible “untouched,” in order to allow for appropriate farming and ranching, as well as providing free range for wildlife, trees, plant life, etc.  In harsh environments, extensive use of greenhouses is also desirable.  Small cities/towns/communities may also be constructed on large foam filled pontoons with clear domes on the oceans or large lakes if desired.  Every year, every able bodied and appropriately aged citizen performs one month of active duty in the defense forces, one month in agriculture, and one month in industrial production.  All planets are to answer the call if a hostile threat arises, but otherwise are left to live their lives as they please.  Sadly, it is realized that human nature being what it is, decadence follows after success and security is established.  Conflicts between continents or planets, etc. are to be arbitrated as fairly as possible. Civil wars with the weapons and tactics we possess would result in unspeakable carnage, and must be averted.  In order to keep better unity among the colonies, the required military, industrial, and agricultural service should be on other colonies if practical.  This is to maintain an espirit de corps.  It is also to help give a sense of unified purpose to life and keep people thinking on a larger scale outside of their local communities and planets. This need not interrupt family life, but can be done via computers at home and simulators in appropriate educational locations. It is also unofficially to avoid isolated locations from becoming in-bread over the generations.  Meeting interesting people from other areas allows a more diversified access for potential partners in the gene pool.  Children are given the same basic training/educational programs their parents were provided with prior to colonization.  It is hoped that this will at least in part, avoid the dumbing down and decadence of future generations, and keep future generations ready, willing, and able to answer if or when duty calls. Constant vigilance for attack by outside forces must be maintained indefinitely. Government should be kept out of the lives of the common man as much as possible, so people can live their lives freely and happily without fear of tyranny or a police state. Nosy neighbors and control freaks who would run the lives of others must be kept in check.  A general good neighbor policy of keeping your nose out of the business of others must always be encouraged. If these principles are maintained for a good while, hopefully the cycles of corruption and destruction that plagues humanity can be averted.  Maybe, and may it be so.  So say we all!  


These are my thoughts, and I welcome yours.  May the Counsels of the Twelve thus always be kept free of corruption and blessed with wisdom in all matters.  May it be so for all future generations. Again, so say we all.



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