Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding!!!!!!

 The Team Zoë Fight Leukemia Moebius Viper Mk-II Raffle Ticket Window Is OPEN!!!!!!

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, get your Tickets here!!!!

The Tickets can be purchased through PayPal: Six tickets for $5.49 and 13 tickets for $10.49. Tickets will also be on sale in person at Comicpalooza in Houston, Texas May 23-26. The Viper will be there in person so you can check it out. 

The Viper and its Display will also be in person at other Comic Conventions to be announced, so stay tuned in to the Battlestar Ravens Facebook page for updates!!!!

The buyer must choose the send money to a friend option. If you have funds in your PayPal account, or your PayPal account is linked to your bank account there are no fees involved to send funds using this method.

If the buyer uses either a Credit Card or a Debit card through PayPal, there is a small fee that will be charged to the buyer (46 cents for purchasing 6 tickets and 60 cents if 13 tickets are purchased).

Login to www.paypal.com and click on send money, type in this E-mail address: mk2viperraffle@yahoo.com then type in the amount of money and select send money to a friend.

Make sure your correct mailing address is on your PayPal account. I also need a phone number and E-mail address that will be active on the day of the raffle (8/2/2015). The winning Ticket will be chosen the last day of Galacticon 4. The winner will be contacted before the Viper and its Display Case is shipped to the winner!!!!!

One last thing Please. After you type in mk2viperraffle@yahoo.com and add the amount of money you’re sending and all that, click continue and “Please Scroll” down so you can add your mailing address and telephone number. The first ticket buyer didn’t do this. Fortunately, I knew the person and it was very easy to get his information.


Once Again, Thanks In Advance for Supporting Zoë Blossom James.

Go Team Zoe, GO!!!!!

SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !

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  • Hi Everyone!!!

    The first raffle tickets were sold online today to none other than Lt Diego "El Cid" Martin!!!!!! Thanks Lt for supporting Zoe Blossom James!!!

    Go Team Zoe, GO!!!!!!

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