Spreading the word

Me and the wife were visiting with some good friends the other evening.  He and their two sons are sci-fi geeks like me, his wife/my wife....not so much...but they do watch it with us.  We got to talking BSG and the youngest boy who is about 14-15 said he would like to watch the entire series (reboot).  He had only been able to see the first season, so I loaned him not only the entire reimagined series, but the original as well.  We have to pass it along. When we share it with young people, it keeps the show alive and the fan base grows. 

I just thought I would share that with everyone.


I did tell them about the fan club as well  :)

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  • Good for you!  I have been working on my kids who are superhero fans but not quite at the sci fi level yet.  They will get there eventually.

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