Sharing rooms at Galacticon 3

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if thre are people out there that are planning to go to Galacticon 3 and also do not have a lot of money to do it without having to think at the costs a little.

I live in the Netherlands. Now a plainticket is reachable for me,  its expensive for the situation i am in, but a goal i can reach. 

I've never been to the US, hell, i've never even set foot in an airplane.  lol.  So it would be easy and cheap if i could find some people who would know how hotels work there, and if we can save some money.

If i would be granted to be a volunteer, and have a plainticket,   and knowing i can sleep for the nights in a bed :)    , than my dream that i almost had to give up, will maybe come true afterall.

I would like to hear from you,

In admiration,  Donny

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  • I live in Bruges, Belgium, I speak also Dutch. Maybe you can tell more about these events ore this site, because I am new to this site and would like some explanation, perhaps you can contact me trough skype: stwkurt, thanks in advance. Kurt

  • not sure if i am gonna want a roommate, I snore ;)

  • I'm sure you're not the only one in this position. Maybe there could be a message board for fans seeking roommates? After all, no one should be denied their Galacticon dreams!

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