I previously posted a possible scenario where BSG and Star Trek sort of merged together over the past eons, speculating on how the Cylons would have evolved after Earth.  I personally like all three…original BSG, re-imagined BSG, and Star Trek, ALL generations.


It has been brought to my attention by an associate of mine, reminding me that from the ORIGINAL BSG, the Cylons were created by a reptilian race, whose evil Satanic leader Count Iblis left them as a sort of galactic police force to keep all other races in check, or else destroy them.  I DID remember this, but didn’t want to overly complicate things. In truth, this need not be a problem, since with BSG, the same scenario keeps repeating, and the reptilian Cylons could have been created to evolve on their own as well, and took control of them in the original home world and 12 colonies, etc.  Under such scenario, they did not as machines, evolve like humans and humanoids and skin jobs eventually would.  If the basic scenario continues to repeat, there are lots of ways it can all play out. Really, the mysterious orbs of light and their mother ship, which are presumably angels, Count Iblis, the evil fallen one, etc., gets into a much more complicated spiritual aspect which I will leave alone.  The same goes for Boltar and Number Six seeing each other’s spirits, or ghosts, self imposed mental creations, or what ever they’re supposed to be.  Same goes for the mysterious Q prematurely introducing the humans to the BORG.  No need to squabble over such issues.   The possibilities are nearly endless, and if universes, realities, and civilizations collide, it could get really interesting and fun!


Your input is welcome.  So say we all…me, my self, and I!


John David Feagin

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  • My Version Of A Galactica/Trek Crossover Would Be Called 'Crossroads' .  The Colonial Fleet Would Find 24th Century Earth And First Contact Would Be With Enterprise-E (This Would Take Place Between 'Insurrection' And 'Nemesis') . Captain Picard,Data,Worf,And Troi Would Visit The Galactica. The Colonials Would Be Fascinated By Data And Somewhat Intimidated By Worf. Conversations Would Take Place Between Picard ,Adama, And Roslin. Suddenly, Roslin Has To Be Rushed To Enterprise's Sickbay And Doctor Crusher Would Begin To Administer The Cure For Roslin's Cancer. Adama Would Be Fascinated At How Earth Technology Has Advanced, But Still Skeptical About Networked Computers. Data Himself Volunteers To Do A Total Scan And Upgrade Of The Galactica's Computers. He Gets Grudging Permission. Later Sharon Talks To Data And Data Is Quite Envious Of How More Human She Is. She Gives Him Data On The Cylons. Later, A Federation Task Force Arrives And The Commanding Admiral With A Federation Ambassador Begin Negotiations With The Colonial Government. In The Meantime, The Pursuing Cylons Stop At The Edge Of The Milky Way, And Try To Decide Wether Or Not To Continue Or Turn Back.  The Next Day, It Is Decided That The Colonial Fleet Will Be Escorted To Earth, While The Cylons Will Be Stopped Short Of Federation Space. A Force Led By The Enterprise Escorts The Colonial Fleet To Safety While A Starfleet Battle Force Engages A Force Of Three Basestars. One Basestar Is Utterly Destroyed And The Other Two Withdraw. Days Later, Colonial One Lands In Front Of The Federation Council Building In San Fransico,Earth. The Federaton President Greets President Roslin'On Behalf Of The United Federation Of Planets,Welcome To Earth'.    Elsewhere, The Two Surviving Cylon Basestars Encounter Two Seperate Wormholes. One Takes A Basestar Into The Heart Of Klingon Space. After A Fierce Battle, The Klingons Are Victorious QAPLA'!  The Other Basestar is Deposited Into Borg Space. They Quickly Are Pounced Upon By Borg Cubes   "WE ARE THE BORG. DISARM YOUR WEAPONS AND SURRENDER YOUR SHIP. WE WILL ADD YOUR BIOLOGICAL AND TECHNILOGICAL DISTINCTIVENESS TO OUR OWN. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE"           What Do You Think?

    • I very much like the idea of the Galactica and Enterprise crews being able to meet in the same time period. The personalities of the leading crew members you mentioned very much fit the scenareo you suggested.  The officers and higher-ups on both sides would act honorably...The grunts on the other hand...well...There's sure to be at least SOME tension.  I'm thinking of one particular little loose cannon to be specific...STARBUCK WILL CERTAINLY LOCK HORNS WITH WARF! No ifs, ands, or doubts about it!  Culturally the grunts on both sides really harbor disdain for each others.  Enterprise members murmur among them selves..."They look, act, and SMELL just like Klingons!" "Yeah. It's hard to believe these barbarians are even human...Did you see inside their ship? What filfthy rust bucket! Everything is so dark and dirty, and there are NO automatic doors anywhere!" As for the Galactica crew..."Hey, did you check out their frakin' uniforms!?" "Yeah, tights! What's with that!?" "Yeah they're all a bunch of panzies and preppies!" And then comes the battle of Ten Foreward.  Starbuck struts in looking to establish her self as queen dominatrix.  She's spoiling for a fight, and the Enterprise has none on board that she will back down to.  At first there's some tension with this strange Betazoid "Counselor." All of the Galactica guys are really checking her out. Being a Betazoid she is not inhibited by such, but remains professionally aloof, but she does pick up on Starbuck's hostile intentions and seeks to avoid a cat fight.  Probably Reicher and possibly Wessley Crusher would try to be her protectors, but Starbuck only believes in fighting one way...DIRTY! Each gets a blow below the belt and a Miss Piggy "Haeeeeeeya!" punch to the temple, and are soon rolling around on the floor, stunned, bewildered, and gasping for air.  Now it's Warf's turn. He is chief of security, and this can not be allowed.  He confronts her, and she snarles and glares at him.  "I'm not taking any felgarcarb from some frakin' bone headed panzie in tights! And Warf! What kind of name is that?! Did you mother let the DOG name you!?"  Warf growls angrily, and both close in on each other. BING! Lllllllets get ready to rrrrrrrumble! It's on!  I can see them reducing Ten Foreward to an Irish Pub Bar Room Brawl Battlezone!  Here's the perfect background music for said scene:    http://vimeo.com/8815089     No doubt the other butch Galactica chicks will soon join in and wild chaotic melee will ensue.  Warf and Starbuck really enjoy pounding each other to a pulp...It excites Warf...What a woman! As for Starbuck...Finally a worthy opponent! Both are DETERMINED to win...Remember, this a dominance thing...No backing down!  Actually the only crew member that Starbuck would be wise to avoid beating up would be Data.  He's too prim, propper, and polite to fall for her provocations though.  She would likely despise him, and get in his face about being just another Cylon skin job. 

      Since the Galactica crew is now battle hardened and suffers from PTSD from the destruction of their home worlds and years/yahren of fighting the Cylons and each other...They may have a wee bit of trouble fitting in with normal Federation culture.  Maybe they would get along well enough on Deep Space 9, or similar outposts.  One thing is very probable though.  When they learn the histories of Klingon and Romulan wars with the humans, (Especially recent rogue attempts to destroy Earth, such as by Piccard's engineered evil twin),  as well as the Cardassian threat, they are sure to be somewhat paranoid and spoiling for a fight there, to save humanity from the soft short sighted Federation humans. Anything could happen...Better get some more Betazoid counselors ASAP!

      Also, here is yet another version some folks pieced together for when Piccard and Adama make first contact.  It's a cute spoof and captures certain aspects of their psyches.


      A You Tube search has lots of other humorous spoofs with BSG, Star Trek, and Star Wars' universes colliding.



    • I like it. Sounds like a great script!

  • While we are seeking to tie in the Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek scenarios, why not include Star Wars? Well, for one thing, it happened a long long time ago (no problem) in a galaxy far far away! Oops! That's a bit of a problem...Even with warp drive or FTL jumping, it would take thousands of years to go to an other galaxy...unless...you had access to a worm hole...I'm thinking Deep Space 9! Naturally the Star Wars story probably played out around the time of the original Cylon wars, probably on the far side of the galaxy that was later taken over by the Dominion...until those pesky humans screwed up yet another perfectly good galactic empire! Tut-tut-tut...What's do be done with those pesky meddling humans?

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