
Hey all! I'm Akera and I just wanted to pop in and say hi! Would have done it sooner but I am shy as frak a lot of the time. SO hello and it's nice to meet you all!

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  •   "Hello,

     I'm Ernie Miller and as the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Adminstrator of Colonial Affairs,
     I welcome you on behalf of the leadership of the BFC.

     Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you on the site"

    So Say We All !!!!!!

  • I conquer with my fellow ship mates. Your very welcome here to do almost anything you please.

    SO SAY WE ALL!!!!!

  • @ Buzzsaw: I'm a huge Transformers fan, and back in the 80's Mirage was my favorite Autobot, so that's where the callsign's from ^_^

    @ Leonidas: Thank you sir!

  • Good to Have you Here,Mirage! And, not to Worry, Some of us Prefer the Term 'reserved'!

  • Howdy Mirage!

    No need to be shy here. Bwahahahahaahahaaa!  Nobody's going to clobber you or judge you. It's a fun site. The best way to get to know people is to participate in discussions, blogs, or join up in Battlestars, squadrons, etc.  I suggest you contact Leonidas. He'll point you in the right direction. The Battlestar Raven's a great Battlestar, as is the Trireme. Just have fun with it. It's most fun if everybody adds their own points of view, personal observations, and personalities to the entire mix.

    Good hunting Mirage. Great call sign by the way. So say we ALL!


    Buzzsaw out!

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