Marine Detachment, Attennnnnnnn-HUT:


With the approval of the Commanding Officer, Battlestar Raven, April 17 has been declared Devil Dog Day in honor of the Birthday of the Marine Detachment OIC, "Marine Enforcer", an Ancient Warrior of undetermined age. It will be marked in the only acceptable method for a Marine: all MARDET not on duty at 05:00 Ship Time will perform a double PT set, 20K Hanger Deck run, Hand-to-Gland combat armed and unarmed, boarder repelling drills, mounted/dismounted assault drills and primary weapons qualification. All to be followed by an evening in Joe's Bar hosted by the highest paid Guest of Honor. Our valiant Raptor Crews and their Pointy-Nosed Shipmates are invited to participate if able.

To the Biggest Baddest Marine: OOHRAH! OOHRAH! OOHRAH! SO SAY WE ALL!!!

Paul "Iceworm" Oakley, NCOIC, Battlestar Raven Marine Detachment

Marine Detachment, Dissssss-MISSED!

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