Since The End of the First Cylon War,The Cylons,After finding Space to call Their Own, Have used the 40 Years since on Improving and Multiplying Their Forces in Preperation to Overtake Colonial Defenses in an Inticipated All Out Invasion of the Colonies.

One of These Projects,Discovered by A Deep Covert Reconnaissance Misson into Cylon Space,Was the Design of A 'Mega-Basestar' That would be used as A Mobile Base of Operations.


From What Intelligence was gathered,The Cylons had built A Ship that would be suitable for seizing A Section of Space and holding It until Reinforcements could Arrive


However,Upon Examination of Intel Scans,This New Class of Base Star is more than A Flagship; From the Avaliable Intel,This Ship Is Heavily Armored and Armed.

Weapons and Compliment of Raiders is Unknown,But presumed to be Massive.

It is Rumored to be able to go Toe to Toe with A Nova Class Battlestar in A Straight Fight; One of Many Reasons Why the Colonies attempted to accelerate Production of Warstars.


It was also discovered that No Two Worldstars are Constructed Alike; The Cylons Adapted Several Designs In an Attempt to confuse Colonial Fleet Intelligence.

And, The Cylons have taken to giving these Worldstars Names; At least Three were identified: Xerxes,Teth-Adam, and Darius.

They Argued that Their Ships should not be named after Demons. 


                            ADDENUM: THE CYLON INVASION

One of The Cylon Worldstars was Poisitively Identified at Picon: The One named Xerxes was Part of the Fleet Commanded by Cylon Model Zero sent to Anihilate Colonial Fleet Headquartes.

From the Surviving Accounts, Xerxes tore through The First Fleet Anchorage before taking Substantial Damage from the Warstar Ares ;

The Xerxes withdrew from the Battle Zone just before the Catastrophic Destruction of the Ares by Older Base Star Kamikaze Bombs which laid waste to Everything in Picon's Orbit.

Rumors suggest that Xerxes is still actively under the Command of Cylon Model Zero.




This is Another Production of Jack Burgin's Colonial Fleet Shipyards Facebook Group; It's Slightly Larger than Monogram's Original Base Star Kit from 1978.

Not Too Many Parts, And, The Halves actally Swivel! It would be advisable to have A Dremel Moto Tool to get the 3d Parts fitted right.

Used Rattle Can Primer,Then, A Base Coat of Tamiya Neutral Grey Spray Paint; However, For some reason The Paint 'Wrinkled' in some Spots;

The Solution: Battle Damage!

Copies of Cylon Markings and Acrylic Weathering Rounded it out.




How Many Worldstars the Cylons have actually built is unknown.

It Is hoped They are not able to employ them en masse,

Otherwise, They would be A Definite Threat to Any Attempts of Human Resettlement Anywhere in the Universe.

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