• Me

Reamer walks into the hanger bay suited up ready for a test flight.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli


·         Great to see you Sir! ( salutes)

  • Me

(Returns Salute) Hi Hitman what's up?

·         I'm going to take my new Viper out for a test flight to make sure it's ready for our next mission.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Oh nothing just thought I would come and give my Viper a once over.

·         How about I join you?

  • Me

That sounds like a plan!!!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Great I'll grab my flight gear.

  • Me

I'll do my pre-flight and wait for you.

·         The flight crew moves Reamers Viper into the launch tube.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

(Running while still getting flight suit on) OK!

·         Let me get in and I'll do my pre-flight...

  • Me

Reamer does a walk around and checks all six FireFox AIM-9000's.

·         Everything looks great!!!

·         I'm climbing in the cockpit to finish my pre-flight.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Looks in good shape.

·         Let me climb up...

·         (settles in the cockpit to finish preflight)

  • Me

My Pre-flight's complete, I'm ready to launch!!!!!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I'll see you out there.

  • Me

Launching in 3, 2, 1........

·         Roger that Hitman!!!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Preflight is complete.

·         I am ready for launch…

·         (Hitman you are cleared for launch)

  • Me

Wohoo....it feels great to be flying again....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Launching in 3.....2.....1... GO!!!!

  • Me

The chief did a great job on my new bird.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I am clear of the launch bay.

  • Me

This thing feels just like my old one!!!!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Chief is very good at what he does.

  • Me

Thank the Gods....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

All right Lt, lets test it out...

  • Me

Yeah....let’s push this thing.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Ok are you ready!!

  • Me

I'm going to head to the perimeter of the fleet and do a few rolls and what ever I feel like....

·         Follow the leader.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Barrel Rolls are a good way to get going!

·         I am right behind you!

  • Me

Yeah that will test almost all the moving surfaces at once....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

You got that right!

  • Me

Reamer pushes it to full throttle as if the Cylons were biting him.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Make sure every thing is tied down!

  • Me

Hahahahaha what a ride......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

(Hitman follows)

·         WOOOOHOOOO!!!

  • Me

At least all the engines work.....

·         OK I'll get serious now.

·         Executing barrel rolls.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I never liked these.

·         Reminds me of too much Ambrosia...

  • Me

Yeah I hear ya, OK that's enough.....I'm breaking into a couple split Esses.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

You are looking great!!!

  • Me

Too much of a good thing usually isn't good......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I don't think you lost a step Lt!

  • Me

OK I'm going to pull up hard into a steep climb and see if it stalls.....

·         Great, what a responsive bird.....

·         This one is almost better than my old ride.....

·         I ought to crash more often.......hehehehehahahahahahaha

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I told you Chief is good!

·         Don't say that too loud!!

·         HAHAHA!!

  • Me

Hey, how about we try that new maneuver, the Starburst?

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

OK! Let's do it!

  • Me

It's really simple, just follow me Hitman.....

·         It's almost what I just did.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I am right here!

  • Me

We start out flying straight and level.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli


·         Then...

  • Me

Then pull back hard on the stick and climb straight up.

·         as you accelerate so you don't stall.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli


·         Of course yes…

  • Me

OK, that's about high enough.

·         Now, do a reverse half roll and go into a straight down dive. Like the Hammerhead.......

·         Wow, what a rush.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Reverse half roll... got ya! ...

·         WOAA! YES!!! LOVE IT!!!

·         Now that is Frakkin' cool!!

·         The rest of the squad is going to love this!

  • Me

As you start to dive roll so you’re facing away from the direction we climbed at the start of the maneuver.

·         But keep diving.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Got it… holding on is the hard part!

  • Me

OK, now were at the bottom of the dive about where we began.

·         Now just pull back on the stick and level out flying back the same way we started the maneuver.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Leveling out....

  • Me

Great, now imagine we're traveling from the center of a wheel to the outer rim.

·         As if to follow a spoke.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Ok. I see now!!

  • Me

Each of our flights will be doing the same thing, but in different directions 72 degrees apart.

·         It's kind of like shooting a Rocket in the air.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I get it now. I wasn't real sure at first but now....

·         This is going to be Frakkin' epic!

  • Me

When it explodes the debris goes in different directions and falls back to where the rocket was launched.

·         Except we will go in different directions.

·         It sounds strange at first.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Very cool.

·         It does but now that I have done it, it will be great.

  • Me

The important part is when each flight is speeding into the middle of the circle. We all pull up without crashing into each other.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I hope we can execute it precisely.

  • Me

Then we all climb and then roll away from each other into a dive and head back away from the center the same way we started.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

It will take nerves of steel to stay in your seat.

·         but well worth it I think

  • Me

Yeah it will.....

·         I showed the maneuver to Major Leonidas earlier today.

·         He said the nuggets will be watching and leaning via Dradis.

·         That was cool.......lets take a couple laps around the fleet

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Well this is going to look even better on DRADIS

·         OK... Let’s Go!

·         OH! And no more holding back...

  • Me

I think so; it will be like we're drawing a flower or a five spoke mag wheel!!!!!!!

·         Yeah.....full speed ahead Dam the Cylons.......hahahahahahaha

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli


  • Me

Oh I had to mention our friends........

·         Look at that....10 O'clock.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

You seem to be a magnet…

·         I see…

·         I got your wing.

  • Me

Yeah.....the Cylons are still listening in on our briefings or maybe it's the hanger deck.....

·         Lets dust them off, they don't seem to know we're here yet.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I don't know...

·         Its not even recycling day yet....

  • Me

Let’s dive on them suckers.......Yeah.....

·         Oh well, I need to test my guns anyway.....

·         Moving targets are more fun.....

·         Reamer lights em up.........guns blazing.....as he dives......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

You know it! (Guns Blazing) AHHHHHH!!!!

  • Me

Re-cycle day was never better........hahahahahahaha

·         Eat led sucker......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I love the smell of metal in the morning!!

  • Me

Yeah....this one's breaking up........

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Nice shooting Lt. you have been keeping sharp!

  • Me

Scrap in the wind........

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

All they are is scrap in the wind

  • Me

Yeah I had a lots of sim time while my arm was healing.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Looks like the rest are buggin' out.

  • Me

Hey what happened.....we scared them away.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

There is something wrong here.

·         These metal heads never just leave.

  • Me

We need to play well with others, but they don't stay long enough for the lesson.......LOL

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Oh well I guess that’s why I'm always in detention…

  • Me

Well maybe they're planning something big.

·         Yeah me too....

·         I hope we see them again tomorrow night.

·         Well that was a great test flight.....

·         Lets head back to the Raven.

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

That was a great flight!

·         You need to decompress and get ready for tomorrow.

·         We need you to be sharp tomorrow.

  • Me

Sounds good to me Hitman!!!! It's great to be back in the cockpit though......

·         We need to always remember there's only one of each of us......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I can't think of any other place i would rather be.

  • Me

The Cylons can afford to be sloppy, we can't......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

That is right. No resurrection ship out here for us.

·         We have to be sharp ... like a razor.

  • Me

We're coming up on the Raven........

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Always a good looking site to see.

  • Me

Yeah I think my rack is calling me. I had a tough day.

·         OK, I got the Ball............

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

See you inside,

  • Me

Slowing down to landing speed........

·         Perfect landing, look chief no skid marks........Yeah........

·         Mag locks on.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

(Raven to Hitman you are clear to land Call the Ball at your will)

·         This is Hitman I got the Ball

·         Reduce speed.....

·         Skids down…

·         Mag lock on…

  • Me

Back in the hanger deck, Climbing out.......wow what a nice Viper....this one's a keeper!!!!

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

WOW! Nice flying Lt!! Tomorrow is going to be epic!

  • Me

Yeah, tomorrow's going to be a great day I can feel it in my bones.....

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

I'm gonna hit the showers I'll see you tomorrow Lt.

  • Me

Hey Chief, refuel and Re-arm our birds for tomorrow.......

  • Eric "Hitman" Morelli

Nice Flying (waves)

  • Me

Great flight Hitman, thanks for joining me!!!!!

·         I got to go, I'll catch up with you later Hitman!!!!!!!

  • 11:04 PM


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